Don't Let Unresolved Issues
Control Your Life

Constant Stress and Anxiety

Unaddressed trauma can leave you stuck in dysregulation and inner unrest

Strained Relationships

Unresolved emotions can make it hard
to build and nurture strong connections

Feeling Stuck

Neglecting the deeper issues stored in the body can leave life feeling unfulfilled

I’m ready to start my healing journey

Imagine a space where all parts of you are welcomed and nurtured, both the parts you like and those that feel exiled. My sessions blend many therapeutic styles in order to address every aspect of your life that feels out of balance, addressing the somatic, neuroscience, spirituality, and the mind.

Ready to move
through trauma 
with inner wisdom?

Safe & 



Envision a sanctuary where you can explore your inner world without fear or judgment, where no parts are beyond healing, where what is brought forward is  acknowledged and understood in order to facilitate the change you long for. A space where vulnerability is seen as a strength and you are held as an equal.

Skills honed through years of sitting with folks at all life stages, through practices of deep listening, and presence, I attune through noticing and feeling both what is said and not said. I bring knowledge and sensitivity to support you deeply. As an empathic, intuitive and compassionate practitioner, I feel deeply privileged to walk alongside you.

Meet your 
guide, Meeray 

As a counsellor, psychotherapist, and creative practitioner, I specialise in trauma-sensitive recovery using a blend of talk therapy, deep soul work and expressive therapies.


  • Grad Diploma Counselling, WSU (Dean's Medal)
  • Bachelor of Architecture (Hons 1), UNSW (University Medal)
  • Certification in NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback
  • Nature-based Rites of Passage (Vision Questing)

Clinical Member of The Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA),
College of Counselling Member (PACFA).

I have never felt judged or rushed or alone which has been so important in helping me heal at a deeper level than simply applying coping strategies all day everyday.

When I am stuck and unable to talk, Meeray has this unique ability of finding creative ways for us to communicate. 

Before therapy with Meeray, I didn’t know what it was to feel truly safe to be me. 

Now even amongst my feelings of terror and awkwardness, we find lightness and can explore the things that are twisting me up inside. 

— Female, Brisbane 

Meeray intuitively and safely took me on a journey of a new discoveries. I was able to start integrating who I was/am and wanting to be.

At first, I thought I needed someone to hear me, to help me to untangle the net I felt I was wrapped in. 

I did need all that, but my true needs were not obvious to me. Her gentle approach to my hurting parts and her attention to specifics of my circumstances, took me to places I have long forgotten and taught me how to understand trauma and its effect on my life.

— Female, Brisbane

I have started to feel free to live and enjoy life again. 
It didn’t take long to realise that my brain wasn’t getting so stuck in its old patterns and that things that I had buried long ago were coming up to be processed and healed.

As someone with chronic pain and significant mental health challenges, I highly recommend psychotherapy with Meeray. For the first time, having tried so many different treatments, I’ve been able to significantly reduce my pain and the medications that I didn’t want to have to take.

— Female, Brisbane

Talk therapy and Meeray’s reliable and unwavering support have helped me immensely through a difficult time. 

The compassion, care and commitment she shows has made the therapeutic process cathartic. 

— Male, Brisbane 

I feel so lucky to have such a beautiful family and to be breaking the cycle of pain that has plagued my family history for generations. You have helped me to transform my understanding of self and the dynamics of my relationship, so significantly.

I can see that I’ve come so far, and that while there is still a way to go, I’m proud of what I’ve learned and the parts of me that have healed or revealed so far.

It’s hard to imagine where I would be without the work that we have done, probably very unwell and perhaps very alone.

— Female, Sydney

What clients
are saying


1:1 Integrative Sessions 
for Individuals 

What to expect: 

  • Safe and confidential space

  • Connect, deepen awareness, and experience inner transformation

  • 15mins Complimentary call to determine if we are a good fit

Best for those: 

  • On a deep path or facing challenging life experiences

  • Seeking to process sensations, feelings, and beliefs through the body

  • Willing to meet younger, protective parts with curiosity and compassion, explore relational patterns and attachment 

  • Ready to be gently challenged in service of growth and transformation

  • Interested in learning about their shadow aspects to resolve inner and outer conflicts, unpacking dreams, symbols, recurring themes and patterns

  • Aiming to nurture self-reflection and embodied practices, with a therapist who holds them as equal

Duration: 75 mins
Fee: $170.00 AUD 

1:1 Presence Sessions 
'Co-regulation Support'

What to expect: 

  • Sessions by phone, video, or in-person

  • Can be standalone or supplement deeper therapy sessions

  • 15mins Complimentary call to determine if we are a good fit

Best for those: 

  • Not desiring or ready for longer integrative talk sessions 

  • Wanting a safe space for grounding, expressing emotions, and exploring somatic practices

  • Seeking brief support without deep integrative work

  • Wanting to practice co-regulation and in bite size morsels, for a particular issue or situation

  • Developing personal practices whether around orienting, self-compassion, self-expression, meditation and stillness

  • Seeking to explore areas like personal creativity, nature based exploration and breathwork

Duration: 40 mins

Fee: $85.00 AUD

Apply here

Apply here

Fill out the form to
work privately with me 


How to Get 




Booking your
first session


Your Journey

Apply here

your needs


To schedule an appointment, simply fill out the Application Form, which will help me understand your therapy needs and goals. After that, I will reach out to set up a complimentary 15-minute Initial Phone Consultation, where you can ask any questions you may have. Following the consultation, we can then book your first appointment. Your therapist is legally and ethically required to keep your personal information private, except in certain situations where there is a risk of harm to yourself or others. All telehealth consultations are conducted in a private setting.

We try to make every effort to accommodate clients’ differing schedules. While we can and do feel personally sympathetic to issues that can arise, clients are asked to give at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule your appointment to avoid bearing a 50% cancellation fee. No shows will incur the session fee. This ensures the best opportunity for all clients to receive services and respects our mutual investment.

Fees are due at the time of service by Direct Debit transfer for Telehealth sessions or via Credit Card payment with a link sent to your phone. A tax invoice will be provided after the consultation.

Aligned with my values to make therapy more accessible, if people have limited means, I like to talk with them about what their livelihood would support. If you are experiencing financial hardship, a chronic or serious health condition, you are a first responder, veteran or hold a concession card, and would like to learn about any available concession spots, please do get in touch. At this stage, counsellors, psychotherapists, and relationship therapists are not eligible to provide Medicare-funded sessions.

One positive thing about that is that you do not need a specific mental health diagnosis by a GP a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) or a referral to participate in sessions. A MHTP is subsidised by Medicare for psychologists, occupational therapists, and social workers. However, counselling and psychotherapy fees typically mirror the gap fee for a referred psychologist.

PVT is a helpful, non-pathologising way to understand your own biology and responses to life’s demands. It provides a comprehensive overview of the autonomic nervous system and simple interventions that result in profound changes to our internal and external experiences. It emphasises a bottom-up approach, meaning working with the body and lower brain structures, because of its effectiveness; however, top-down exercises are used as well. PVT lays the groundwork for the more in-depth trauma therapies.

Parts work is an evidence based approach that the mind is made up of many sub-personalities in addition to our core Selves, which is in everyone, can’t be damaged, and knows how to heal. Throughout the course of our lives, our parts are forced out of their natural, healthy states and into new roles; some become protective and some wounded. By first accessing Self-energy, this approach helps us to connect with our protective and wounded inner parts and resolve their pain.

Put simply, it is an approach that addresses the unconscious. Carl G Jung, was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of modern analytical psychology also known as depth psychology. He believed that each of us is born a unique person whose essence has the potential to unfold and develop over a lifetime. Through his work with patients and himself, Jung realised that the experience of the numinous, or spiritual, is essential to human well-being. Jung invited us to connect with the powerful unconscious energies that move through each of us, are present in our dreams and creative imagination and speak to us in the symbolic language. By engaging in this inner work we are able to discover and integrate our undeveloped or neglected capacities, recognise outward projections, embody our authentic selves and gain meaning in our lives. Jung called this lifelong process 'individuation'.

John Bowlby and later Mary Ainsworth developed attachment theory in the 1950s, which explains how infants form a model of relationships that affects their mental and physical health. This model helps the brain and body adapt for survival. Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) is a theory that looks at human development as a result of the interaction between body, mind, and relationships, also known as relational neuroscience. It is closely linked to attachment theory, exploring how the brain and mind are shaped by genetic interplay within relationships. The good news is that we all have the capacity to heal past attachment injuries. Therapy can help you understand your past, process your feelings, thoughts, and reactions in the present and develop compassion for your next steps. By gaining insights into your attachment and neurobiological story, you can move forward with more alignment, ease, and integrity. Knowing your unique map is key ingredient for healing.

  • Burnout
  • Grief & loss
  • Dissociation
  • Relationships
  • Mind body medicine
  • Depression & anxiety
  • Stuckness & overwhelm
  • Nervous system dysregulation
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD
  • Complex & developmental trauma CPTSD
  • Survivors of childhood abuse
  • Rites of passage integration
  • Chronic & life limiting illness
  • Relational self awareness
  • Family of origin concerns
  • Cultural issues & Identity
  • Creative development
  • Psycho-immunology
  • Major life transitions
  • Spirituality 
  • OCD